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Wish: Improvements to SvarDOS Packages page

Thread locked due to inactivity since over 365 days.

aa23a6c4b2c12ce9 5293d7dd5c2e3994 352c1076588a3d54 b0a123df50cd5aa0 a83fa45a6763865f 7ee5b98b3a9b6080 a94232d4849d48c6 b025711ecd4619bf
Talking about 1. Would be nice to see the category of each package while scrolling the list. (But I see, we currently have a few 'special' packages, e.g., 'command', 'dosfsck', and 'fdmore', belonging to multiple categories.) 2. Maybe also make that 'category' cell clickable to apply a filter to the list, e.g., I see 'ivan' is in category 'games' and can click on 'games' next to 'ivan' to see all games in the repo. 3. Maybe apply the target hardware as tags to each package. By the way: Maybe we should rename 'progs' to 'apps' these days?
078ac416e4811d4f ac7134fc6c34222e e676a6b143232a57 f638c349b414e0e6 b25cc1129ce8293c bc9a49b88c1ea9f5 a8d5c26e0797bc6f 2eba886e5c7e366b
Hi Robert, First of all - I am happy to see that you are DOS-ing around again. :-) Second - these are very good suggestions! Could you please put them into some bugz ticket(s)? I will make sure to get to it quickly. It's just some minor PHP hacking so should be easy, while it indeed presents a nice added value. Mateusz
aa23a6c4b2c12ce9 5293d7dd5c2e3994 352c1076588a3d54 b0a123df50cd5aa0 a83fa45a6763865f 7ee5b98b3a9b6080 a94232d4849d48c6 b025711ecd4619bf
Hi Mateusz! Thanks! :-) I'm also happy. *g* I filed just __one__ ticket for now: Let's see, how far we get with only one.

Thread locked due to inactivity since over 365 days.