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SvarDOS community forum

a place to talk about SvarDOS and other DOS-related things

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stable build

latest entry: freej, 26.03.2025, 17:17 UTC

Install and run SvarDOS in qemu

latest entry: gianni, 26.03.2025, 17:10 UTC

Let's turn SVARDOS into a true alternative operating system

latest entry: Detlef, 28.02.2025, 11:36 UTC

Another question about SvarCOM vs EDR

latest entry: Cryptus, 06.02.2025, 23:35 UTC

nicscan.exe - got source code.

latest entry: Mateusz V., 29.01.2025, 18:54 UTC

Question about EDR-Kernel and SHARE

latest entry: ecm, 22.01.2025, 21:45 UTC

characters c-z not permitted in package names?

latest entry: ecm, 22.01.2025, 10:37 UTC

How open are you to new packages

latest entry: Mateusz V., 21.01.2025, 09:40 UTC

SvarCOM vs EDR

latest entry: Mateusz V., 16.01.2025, 20:47 UTC

pkgnet upgrade all packages

latest entry: Mateusz V., 13.01.2025, 20:58 UTC


latest entry: Bernd, 13.01.2025, 11:14 UTC

Kernel regression (?): DIR-bug

latest entry: ecm, 11.01.2025, 13:13 UTC

KERNEL.SYS seems to block COMMAND.COM with some version check.

latest entry: Colin, 10.01.2025, 03:31 UTC

SvarDOS COMMAND.COM fails with Phil's Computer Lab DOS Benchmark

latest entry: lpsantil, 07.01.2025, 23:03 UTC

garbled 'ver' - message

latest entry: Cryptus, 07.01.2025, 15:44 UTC

Install and run SvarDOS in 86box.

latest entry: JTHonn, 03.01.2025, 23:37 UTC

SvarDOS in the News

latest entry: Mateusz V., 26.12.2024, 14:21 UTC

Retro Site for you

latest entry: theDUBBER, 24.12.2024, 15:43 UTC

OpenGEM/FreeGEM Compatibility

latest entry: Mateusz V., 27.11.2024, 08:14 UTC

edr kernel has "COMPAQCompatible" inside

latest entry: bttr, 26.11.2024, 18:24 UTC

NLS and CGA/MDA adapters

latest entry: Mateusz V., 20.11.2024, 09:09 UTC


latest entry: Mateusz V., 14.10.2024, 19:52 UTC


latest entry: gianni, 14.10.2024, 18:26 UTC

SvarDOS and Windows 3.1 - success!

latest entry: Bernd, 29.09.2024, 10:05 UTC

ETHFLOP v0.6.1

latest entry: Mateusz V., 16.09.2024, 18:41 UTC

New SvarDOS kernel: EDR

latest entry: Bernd, 16.09.2024, 17:34 UTC

Blog trottr notification emails do not contain text of post

latest entry: Mateusz V., 11.09.2024, 14:02 UTC

Just committed French & Turkish translations for PKGNET

latest entry: Mateusz V., 10.09.2024, 18:56 UTC

SvarDOS fights <corruption>

latest entry: Mateusz V., 06.09.2024, 07:31 UTC

archives: 2023 2024 2025

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