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nicscan.exe - got source code.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I uploaded "nicscan" including sourcecode but with no license on my "account" at Bernd. Mr. Potthast gives it "as is" but his name should be mentioned. The only thing that I do not know is, where the database for the network cards comes from. nicscan seems to be a little bit better than "berndpci" as it shows the name etc. of the built in network card, this should make it easier for users to implement the driver on real hardware as you know the cards name.
This thread got posted twice, other at
While I have no clue what/where your "account" at Bernd is, I do have NICSCAN.EXE from Georg Potthast, dated 1/2007. NICSCAN looks at a database "PCI.DBN", which is identical to the database "PCIDEVS.TXT" from "PCI - The PCI System information & Exploration tool" by Craig Hart. Just copy or rename "PCIDEVS.TXT" to "PCI.DBN".
@ecm: Please give me a hint how to delete the other post and I will do it.
> @ecm: Please give me a hint how to delete the other post and I will do it.
I don't know how to do that here! Not my forum.
078ac416e4811d4f ac7134fc6c34222e e676a6b143232a57 f638c349b414e0e6 b25cc1129ce8293c bc9a49b88c1ea9f5 a8d5c26e0797bc6f 2eba886e5c7e366b
> @ecm: Please give me a hint how to delete the other post and I will do it.

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