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How open are you to new packages

1250b38cbe3c7d1e a976585729acf595 0f07618f53a42889 a90ae2d56a6607c8 2c9b9a4cc278c7f1 9b0188cfa78e8cb7 7824cec144e0b2b7 cd8b593994146bd5
I was thinking about upgrading adplay (adplug) from version 1.6 to But I should have autoconf package to do that, which I am suggesting to do... I means cmake, now, not autoconf anymore. Because there is a, but not a Makefile.... oops wrong... they seems to have move to using cmake. Also, costa have been refused on FreeDOS... which to know if you would consider accepting it?
078ac416e4811d4f ac7134fc6c34222e e676a6b143232a57 f638c349b414e0e6 b25cc1129ce8293c bc9a49b88c1ea9f5 a8d5c26e0797bc6f 2eba886e5c7e366b
Hello Paul, SvarDOS is as open to accept new packages as it is elaborated below :-) If you'd be willing to provide a practically useful port of cmake as a *.svp package, that would be definitely very cool. And maybe it could make it easier to port other programs in the future. Another option would be for you to write a custom makefile.dos by hand. Lower coolness factor but probably faster to do for a one time need. Is the "costa" you are referring to this one? I do not know this but glancing at the page and screenshots it looks very nice. I see no reason not to include it in SvarDOS, unless of course it occasionally crashes horribly and corrupts user's file system or something nasty like that. Are you using Costa yourself? Would be great if you'd be willing to build a svp package with Costa (or even better, albeit maybe as a second step: work with Costa's author to include a SVP-building target in Costa's Makefile). Mateusz
1250b38cbe3c7d1e a976585729acf595 0f07618f53a42889 a90ae2d56a6607c8 2c9b9a4cc278c7f1 9b0188cfa78e8cb7 7824cec144e0b2b7 cd8b593994146bd5
Wow, you responded fastly! About, Costa, yes that it. Well... I just tried it for about 40 mins. Frankly, I had it to crash (runtime error) while creating a new task... but that was mostly in the beginning when I was not knowing exactly how to use it (so that I probably used it in a unexpected way). It was not failing to return after executing a program however... which would be the most obvious way that program could cause the user to loose generated information. But it was not able to launch FreeDOS correctly. I mostly use DOS as to test programs... to make it better for everyone... not for real need. Glad to see you are open to cmake too... A bit less sure how much I am ready to work on that one.
078ac416e4811d4f ac7134fc6c34222e e676a6b143232a57 f638c349b414e0e6 b25cc1129ce8293c bc9a49b88c1ea9f5 a8d5c26e0797bc6f 2eba886e5c7e366b
> Frankly, I had it to crash (runtime error) while creating a new task... but that was mostly in the beginning when I was not knowing exactly how to use it
Might be interesting if you could reproduce the issue (however unexpected the usage was) and report if to Jacob. I'm sure he'd be glad to figure out the issue, he seems to be very invested in Costa's development, which is awesome to see in the DOS community these days. Let us know if you manage to create a working SVP package of Costa (or any other nice software, of course). The overall package format is described below, but it might not be super clear to "external" people so please do not hesitate to ask here, should you need any help or pointers about the packaging matter. Mateusz

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