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SvarDOS in the News

Liam Proven has gifted us with a very nicely written article about SvarDOS for "The Register":
Thanks for the pointer! I think it doesn't credit you enough for the EDR-DOS kernel changes you contributed. While I did work on the toolchain *some* you also helped with that. I want to investigate whether the drdosprojects recommended share.exe (from DR-DOS v7.01?) actually works as intended on (FAT32 enabled) current EDR-DOS. I've found that the dispatch table before DOSDATA:0CCh is just a placeholder in (E)DR-DOS, it contains default offsets but segments of all zeroes. According to the interrupt list, "sharing hooks are not supported by DR DOS 5-6; they appear to be supported by Novell DOS 7, with a segment of 0000h indicating the DOS data segment". That's probably nonsense, the hooks at this spot are never called, and if they were it wouldn't make sense to use segments of zero as a special value which would much complicate the calling of these hooks. EDR-DOS does contain another share dispatch table that looks similar at and this one is actually used. As I mentioned elsewhere , EDR-DOS's extensions of the SFT entry structure for FAT32 and FAT+ are cleaner than MS-DOS v7.10's and FreeDOS's for FAT32, and don't re-use sharing offset or sharing next SFT pointers, so the appropriate share.exe structures could be used without changes. (MS-DOS share.exe never seems to walk SFTs on its own, using the 2F.12 DOS internal function for that instead. So it is hardened against larger SFT entries, and DR-DOS share.exe likely is too.) There is a problem with at least one of the hooks, MS-DOS's sharer may decide to reset the two "current cluster" fields of an SFT. If this is true of DR-DOS's sharer as well then it should be patched for proper operation with FAT32 EDR-DOS kernels. (Aside: The cleaner SFT extension in EDR-DOS means that at DOSDATA:CCh there live only 3 SFT entries, not 5 like in MS-DOS and FreeDOS.)
Search for "clus" in here to see the uses of cluster fields of the SFTs in the MS-DOS v4 sharer.
This sharing / SFT thing sounds interesting. I wonder if the WfW 3.11 VSHARE.386 problem [1] might be connected to this. Definitely worth checking out. Will be for the next year, I think. VSHARE.386 is 14K in size. I will try to do a little reverse engineering on this to find out how it works. Win 3.11 debugging. I have the feeling this one will be a rabbit hole :) ... [1]:
It worries me when Liam told about no disk check utility working on SavrDOS by default. It can be a serious issue.
0d025f180080f858 5ea12b18f9c25f41 172d267f387ea872 840f85b9eac41aa2 0b5990ca086c8a74 ceb4a412e71f6cb3 95e39fce5b50cdb1 4ed5aad44941b0c2
There is CHKDSK in the base installation. This works for FAT-16. It would be great to have a working FAT-32 filesystem checker. Sadly, all the tools "on the market" require a 386+ and DPMI. This is because the FAT of a FAT-32 filesystem may become quite large, and the current tools require the FAT being in memory as a whole while performing the consistency checks. There are some thoughts about a new FAT-32 CHKDSK. So chances are not zero that this eventually will be resolved.
> It worries me when Liam told about no disk check utility working on SavrDOS by default.
As Bernd stated already, this is about the lack of a FAT32 disk check utility. The reason being that there is no such (free) tool compatible with 8086. There is a bugz issue about this: Mateusz

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